Tuesday, January 4, 2011


I was asked to write a description of myself for my readers. That is not an easy task, but here is what I offer. . .

Many years ago--never mind how many--I came across my first science fiction/fantasy magazine. It had been wrapped up with a lot of other magazines in stout wire and deposited at five AM in front of a drug store in San Francisco.

Now, at that time, I was a paperboy with wire cutters--our papers were delivered in wired bundles.

The covers of the pulp magazines back then were quite enticing to an eleven year old boy. I grabbed one, stuffed it into my paper bag and took it with me to read later. Too my great disappointment the contents did not match the cover.

But hope springs eternal in a young boy's breast so I tried it again the next month. A strange thing happened. I got to liking the stories.

The third month I started actually paying for the magazines I claimed for my collection.

Now, decades later, I have traveled with Conan, laughed with Fhfard and the Gray Mouser, rode Jordan's wheel of time, DeCamped from one universe to the next, and kept an eye out for Boskone.

My children are grown now and I have misplaced my wire cutters but I have a computer. Maybe I can entice a few young men, and women, into a universe where the good guys win.

So different from ours.

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